Wednesday 24 October 2012

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple partial seizures are seizures which affect only a small region of the brain, often the temporal lobes or hippocampi. People who have simple partial seizures retain consciousness. Simple partial seizures are often precursors to larger seizures, where the abnormal electrical activity spreads to a larger area of (or all of) the brain, usually resulting in a complex partial seizure or a tonic-clonic seizure. In this case they are often known as an aura. Simple partial seizures are a very subjective experience, and the symptoms of a simple partial seizure vary greatly between people. This is due to the varying locations of the brain the seizures originate in eg: Rolandic, and a simple partial seizure may go unnoticed by others or shrugged off by the sufferer as merely a "funny turn". Simple partial seizures usually start suddenly and are very brief[3] It is unusual for them to occur in isolation as they usually lead to other forms of partial seizure. When the seizure occurs during sleep, the person will often become semi-conscious and act out a dream while engaging with the environment as normal, and objects and people usually appear normal or only slightly distorted, being able to communicate with them on an otherwise normal level. However, since the person is acting in a dream-like state, they will assimilate any hallucinations or delusions into their communication, often speaking to a hallucinatory person or speaking of events or thoughts normally pertaining to a dream or other hallucination.

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

Simple Partial Seizures

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