Tuesday 30 October 2012

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Whiptail Catfish is peaceful, sociable and easy to keep. For a long time, it was scientifically known as Rineloricaria parva, but the recently accepted name for this species is Hemiloricaria parva. The expected life span of the Whiptail Catfish is that of 5-8 years. This fish is approximately always found amongst leaf litter over sandy substrates. You can find it in both clear and whitewater habitats (whitewater means water containing plenty of dissolved sediment). Whiptail Catfish is long and slender. Its appearance is like a lizard. Its basic color is sandy brown with dark slanting bands athwart the dorsal surface. At both tips, the caudal fin has long filaments. Its size is around 12 cm or 4.7 inches. Feeding Whiptail Catfish is not a problem. This fish loves to eat a variety of foods like zucchini, lettuce, sinking pellets, cucumber and the like. You can also offer plant matter or vegetables to this fish. It does not eat up plants in the tank. Meaty foods are also accepted by this fish. So, you can feed it with blood worms, beef heart and other frozen and live foods. Whiptail Catfish lays eggs in proxy burrows like PVC tubes. The male holds the responsibility to guard them. The fry start swimming at their own after about five days of spawning. 

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

Longnose Whiptail Catfish

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