Modern microprocessors have enabled scanners to store thousands of channels and monitor hundreds of channels per second. Recent models can follow trunked radio systems and decode APCO-P25 digital transmissions. Both hand held and desktop models are available. Scanners are often used to monitor police, fire and emergency medical services. Radio scanning serves an important role in the fields of journalism and crime investigation, as well as a hobby for many people around the world. The LEXID is a hand held X-ray scanner that sends out low level X-ray signals which then get collected in a lens. The design of the lens is based on that of a lobster's eye. It was invented by a U.S. company called Physical Optics Corporation. It is expected that the device will be used by police and other security personnel. A range of rugged hand-held scan tools is available. Simple fault code readers/reset tools are mostly aimed at the consumer level. Professional hand-held scan tools may possess more advanced functions. The extent that a PC tool may access manufacturer or vehicle-specific ECU diagnostics varies between software products as it does between hand-held scanners.
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